Two BFF’s nine days and a million moments

I actually don’t want to brag but rather, Inspire…Two friends, kindred spirits , separated by life circumstances, careers and continents, meet in Phuket Thailand to reconnect after three years. Before I left I was feeling down, a little defeated and more vulnerable than I can ever recall.  Being a grown up is tough! We all endure so much. Love, loss, success, failure, pain, elation, grief, despair.  The High’s and the lows.  Not always balanced.  All whilst we mantra “just keep on keeping on” and so we do, rarely having the opportunity to step out of it all. It feels like “the grind” sometimes.   Still, we stay strong for our loved ones. Keeping the chin up, or at least acting like it, even if we’re crumbling inside.  Been there? I felt I had lost my way, lost confidence in who I am.  Knowing my worthiness in my head but not feeling it in my heart.  I was thinking too many negative thoughts - I had lost my resilience.  It wasn’t nice.  Questioning myself, have I been left behind with the pulls in my life so powerful in too many directions?  Should I give up? It’s not relevant why, what or how life brings us to these pivotal moments.  But, what I know for sure is that you are never alone with these feelings, and that by being open, there can be healing.

Finding time to leave my beautiful, supportive husband (well, he let me go) and our three perfectly gorgeous & unique but ever so demanding creations wasn’t easy.  It is really hard to justify the time & indulgence of it all.  But when the Australia Day flight specials to Thailand came up, and the price was too good to refuse, we jumped on it and it was actually happening.

Was I excited? Not really, not at the time, I was, as we do sometimes, just going through the motions. I knew in my heart though, that it was what I really needed.  And so off I went, and I was right, it absolutely was! During our stay, we laughed, cried, talked, took photos, relaxed, got massaged, and ate well and pretty much repeat, repeat, and repeat.  Oh, and we saw the sites of Phuket, The Big Buddha, Phi Phi Islands, amazing beaches, explored the markets and our favourite town was definitely Old Phuket Town. Even fitted in a day long Thai Cooking Course which was fantastic.

I cannot recommend this enough.  Taking some time out, especially when you really need it!  By the way, including spending money, tours, taxi’s and even gifts for the kids, and staying in super lush accommodation, I spent little over $2000 Aus.  Possibly the best value holiday ever! So much reflection, inspiration and motivation was achieved and by stepping out of my life, I could see things clearer.  Plus, there is nothing like a great friend to bounce ideas off and maybe even help to solve a few of the world’s problems.  Well, that might be an exaggeration. But it was a truly powerful, up lifting, soul cleansing experience.  We both returned to our homes in Brussels, Belgium and Canberra, Australia. Happier, healthier and stronger than before.  Thank you my beautiful Angeles.  These literally happy snaps will forever be in my head, as one of those warm and fuzzy places to find solace in.  And if I forget, we have the photos to remind us – That’s why “I ♡ photography” For the most part of the last 12 years I have been busy.  My children, family and community being at the top of my priority list, generally keeping many balls in the air like so many of us. I’m not kidding myself,  I can’t see that changing anytime soon, but now with  our three children in school, I finally have more space for my professional world,  and guess what, I’m so ready!

Now in a few short months, I am turning 40!  Bring it on!  With fresh perspective and a new business plan for esh and I♡P , I have a new lease on life.  I’m super excited about new horizons, taking my business to new heights and stepping out of my comfort zone.  I want to be brave and inspire, to continue to be generous and authentic and have integrity with all that I do.I hope you feel inspired to kick your butt into taking some time out for you – possibly the most productive thing I know I’ve done in a while!

Warm & fuzziesEmily HannaP.S – I have just started my two Instagram accounts.   So if you have an Instagram account, please feel free to look me up and follow me @  emilyhannaesh   &   esh photography Also, look out for a lot more action on my “I♡P ” site and blog with new Instagram account opening soon...  This one will be all about talking about the “hows” of the images and more information for inspired and budding photographers alike.  Much in store on the esh & I♡P horizons!

Best wishes xo

Destination photography Thailand gallery


Dazara's - sports portrait photography - Canberra


Candy & Laurie - Family photography - National Gallery of Australia Canberra